Terrains of/for Action Discussion


Today we discussed our final set of readings!  We talked about the different forms of “direct action” that people can take with regard to housing struggles, if/when working “within the system” is deemed inadequate.  We also talked about why it can be challenging to think about direct action in re. to housing, when at first, the idea of building your own housing or sleeping in a vacant property may not seem like such a radical thing for a homeless person to do.  However, our readings and discussions over the course of the semester have illustrated why these can be seen as direct confrontations to the “growth machine.”

In each of your groups you should be thinking about the range of “shaping strategies” that your community contact could embrace, and the pros, cons, and various implications involved in each of these.  The recommendations that you make and organizing materials that you produce should reflect the careful thought that you and your contacts have given to the range of possibilities.  As we wrap up the semester, please be thinking as well about how your group’s issue, your community contact, and you! are situated within the broader shapes and shaping forces in/of NYC.

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