May Day News Roundup

Lots of interesting news this week!

Related to the upcoming vote on rent regulation in NYC:

New report called “Fees are Fraud” from CASA New Settlement on the problem of non-rent fees for rent stabilized tenants.

And a NYTimes feature article on CASA and other groups’ call for a rent freeze.

The role of falling fuel costs in the vote on rent control.

Info on a May 14th rally for rent reform/to save 1 million homes in NYC

The uprisings in Baltimore:

A great article on  “Why Baltimore Rebelled”

An article on “Baltimore’s Inescapable Inequality” rooted in/linking uneven development and aggressive, discriminatory policing.

“Black Spring Has Begun” according to a website for organizing in Ferguson and the Black Lives Matter movement.

And for anyone who isn’t familiar, an article on the radical history of May Day.

Please review and take into account as you wrap up your projects!


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