Interference Archive and other Exhibits


Thank you to everyone who came out to the Interference Archive last week, for our special tour of the We Won’t Move: Tenants Organize in NYC Exhibit.  For those of you who missed it, I highly recommend that you go if you can find time.  The archive features material culture and ephemera from various tenant and other organizing efforts in NYC history, which as you well know by now, are still shaping the future of NYC.  Their next exhibit, Organized Sounds of Resistance, looks pretty great too, and they are asking for public input on songs/albums that have been politically influential to incorporate into the exhibit! : (Please send us your thoughts (250 – 1000 words is perfect) in an email to by May 15, 2015.).  For anyone interested, the archive has workshops and working groups that you can sign up for.

Finally, if anyone would like to review their visit to the archive or any of the other current exhibits I shared with you, Wednesday is the day!  Just let me know so I can make sure there is time.

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