Pushing for change

“How to Survive a Plague” tells the origins of ACT UP and the issues that people were facing during the AIDS crisis. At the time mayor Koch was unwilling to give people with AIDS the adequate treatment that they deserved and needed. As a result this led to numerous protests where members of ACT UP attempted to grab the attention of the government.

It is important to realize the significance of this organization. Even though people faced death in the eyes, they still found the energy to protest against the many injustices they were subject to. Members of the gay/lesbian communities were should not have been left to die because of who they were. When the first drug that was meant to treat this disease was released it was evident that a substantial decrease in price was required. It’s saddening to see that even though people were so close to a treatment that could prolong their life, they were just as far away from it as before. I tip my hat to these activists because they helped make significant improvements in healthcare and sex safety. It is evident that during this time the government was not informed and was not willing to become informed in order to save the lives of thousands.

ACT UP has improved the lives of thousands of people and has increased the safety of sex.  Not only have they given those with AIDS a glimmer of hope, but they also successfully grabbed the attention of the government. Containing AIDS is a long process, but because of constant testing and investigation it has come a long way. However, we still have the issue of overcharging for treatments. We are currently at the hands of drug companies and will continue to be charged outrageous amounts of money unless something is done.

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