Time to ACT UP!

ACT UP is another great example of the collision between the people and the authorities. I will look at this collision and compare it to the growth machine that runs the city. In the growth machine the real estate industry, residents, government and the working class contribute to keep it running. However, only a small number of individuals have a say of where to steer it. The majority who contribute most to its function have little or no say in deciding its destination. If this majority finally acts up and demands a change, change will occur. Evidence can be seen by the ACT UP organization that were successful in making the city pay more attention to the AIDS crisis starting in the late 1980s.

ACT UP “ have achieved concrete changes in medical and scientific research, insurance, law, health care delivery, graphic design, and introduced new and effective methods for political organizing”. They did this by going head on with the authorities that either misunderstood the seriousness of the AIDS epidemic or just did not care. In the documentary “How to Survive a Plague” we see some of their demonstrations and how they occupied City Hall. Their huge number and their civil disobedience was very intimidating and effective. Not a lot a people will can be as brave as them when fighting for a cause. However, there is an instance in the documentary where one of the protestors said that he is HIV-positive so he has no other choice. Many of these protestors had nothing to lose, they were already waiting for their death, getting arrested was not so scary for them. This is another reason why they were so successful in their demonstrations.

I am curious to know what would happen if another housing crisis that is worse than that in 2006 occurs. What if it gets so bad that millions of people living in the city cannot afford to pay their rent. Will they use the tactis of ACT UP to fight with authority? Will they be successful because they “have no other choice”? Can people really challenge the largest growth machine in the world and be successful? I hope no such crisis occurs, but we do not have to wait for a crisis to occur to demand change.

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