General Feedback on Project Briefs

Great job everyone!  I was so pleased with your project briefs and presentations.  I’ve posted feedback for each group on your project pages.  We’ll discuss them further in class, but please consider the following as you continue with your projects:

  • Please attend to the politics shaping your issue, meaning who/what forces have shaped it and what kind of strategies could be used to shape it differently.  Related to this, please make sure that your projects, and most immediately historical narratives, are related to past and current struggles, not just policies and innovations.
  • In light of Eric’s visit and what we learned about the AIDS crisis and ACT UP, please give careful consideration to why community knowledge is so important, what it means for your group’s issue and how your group can engage with and help to develop/strengthen it.
  • Think about how your “case study” is going to inform immediate, community/public action around its focus issue and how it will help “us”- more broadly- to understand what’s shaping the future of NYC- in academia the latter is referred to as “broader” or “conceptual significance.”


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