Project Proposal – A Streetcar Named BQX

Earlier this year, the city proposed a plan to implement a streetcar line. The proposed streetcar line would run along the Brooklyn-Queens waterfront from Sunset Park to Astoria. The streetcar would run parallel to existing traffic on its own lane, and would it provide some much needed transit to these underserved areas. The Brooklyn-Queens Connector (BQX) is a bold project, and it comes with both advantages and disadvantages. Our research aims to provide a thorough investigation into the proposed streetcar line. Our project will focus on the criteria that the BQX needs to satisfy in order to successfully and efficiently supply transportation to underserved areas. We will also explore the potential consequences, both positive and negative, of the implementation of the BQX. We are ultimately interested in finding out what it will take in order for this proposal to be successful and what this will mean for the the future of transportation in New York City.

We will carry out this research through two means. The first is by studying the history of streetcars in New York City and examining modern successful streetcars in areas across the United States. The streetcar is currently planned to be completely operational by 2024 – a hopeful estimate given the significant red tape associated with such a project. As a result, most of our analysis will be based on already recorded results since there is no way for us to critically study the BQX line or its repercussions in person at present. The second means is by directly surveying a community contact who is familiar with the proposed BQX streetcar. Our community contact is Julia Kite, Policy and Research Manager at Transportation Alternatives. By meeting with someone who is familiar with alternative forms of transportation and who also has experience analyzing the effects of current transportation methods on the city, in this case, buses and cars, we will have a better background with which to evaluate the sucessfulness of the BQX streetcar.

Our research will begin by analyzing the historical background of streetcars in New York City. Streetcars were once common in the city, but they soon fell out of favor with the rise of automobile ownership and traffic. Also contributing to their downfall was the city’s annexation and subsequent administration of the once-private trolley car systems. Understanding the factors that surrounded the initial uses of the streetcar will help us gain a better understanding of the consequences that may occur if the BQX is eventually implemented. Next, we will look at current streetcar systems in Hoboken, NJ, Baltimore, MD and Washington D.C. as case studies for the possible New York City streetcar. These case studies will help us define what makes a streetcar successful and efficient, definitions that we can then apply to the current propositions for the BQX. In choosing these specific locations, we will study the application of streetcars in cities that are similar to New York City and which have other municipal public transportation options available.

After our historical research, we will then turn to our community contact, Julia Kite. She will help us get a better understanding of the financial repercussions of installing and maintaining the streetcar. For example, she might provide details about which private company is likely to fund this government effort and how the streetcar may improve land value more than other modes of transportation. We may include a second community contact, such as Queens Public Transportation Group, who is more directly associated with the particular communities being affected by the streetcar.  

At the conclusion of our research, we hope to produce a white paper that is able to adequately convey our findings on how the BQX streetcar can be implemented best. We also hope to produce a popular education/public engagement product that is interesting enough to attract an audience, while also being in-depth enough in describing our findings.   

We will work on researching our respective white paper topics and have a short draft of each section by Monday, April 4. We will stay in contact and meet before and after class in order to resolve any questions and concerns that come up. We will then draft and begin revising our white paper by Wednesday April 20th. During class on April 20th, we will discuss final revisions on our paper and complete any changes by the due date on May 2nd. Concurrently we will be drafting our public engagement piece,  having a first draft done by April 20th and completed revisions by the due date, May 18th.

We will divide the project into different sections upon which one group member will focus their research. For the white paper, Edwin will research the history of streetcars in New York City, Adrian will research the streetcar system built in Hoboken, New Jersey, Patrick will research the streetcar system in Baltimore, Maryland, and Mohamed will research the streetcar system in Washington D.C. Sonia will serve as a liaison between the group and Julia Kite at Transportation Alternatives by receiving input and relating our ideas. Jeffrey will compare and contrast the compiled research, organizing our findings. Currently, our public engagement product is going to be a brochure, neatly and succinctly displaying our findings and results.

One thought on “Project Proposal – A Streetcar Named BQX

  1. Hi Team!

    Your Project Brief is excellent! Here’s a bit of feedback…

    1. LOVE your title! Can you work on a subtitle that indicates what your research is about?

    2. I think your aims are quite good. Could you also include something about informing the public/raising awareness about this issue and its broader implications?

    3. Your research design, strategy, and key activities are also good. I strongly encourage you to engage with the community groups that are organizing around this if at all possible-i.e. UPRISE in Sunset Park and the one in Queens that you identified. Also, I added a resource to your project piece that was created by a grassroots group I know and love called TRUST South LA. It’s A Guide to Community-Driven Transit-Oriented Development Planning that they created based on a similar project they were involved in. Be sure to check it out!

    5. Would like to hear more about your ideas for project deliverables! And remember it’s super important to get input on what these should be/do from your community contact.

    Overall, great work! Keep it up.


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