The Contradiction Communities enCounter

The contradiction that communities are an essential necessity for the function of the economic system but at the same time this system is making it difficult for communities to prosper and grow, is highlighted in the reading. The systems priorities are not on meeting the needs of the people but rather on economic growth. This contradiction can be seen through the BQX proposal by mayor De Blasio. The communities around the proposed streetcar line pay an important role in developing the city’s economy. At the same time, this streetcar line might be harmful to the communities because it may increase the rent in that area which leads to gentrification and zoning.

The BQX is planned to be built between sunset park in Brooklyn and Astoria queens and running along the Upper New York Bay and East River (see attached image). The claim is that this method of transportation will be built to help some underserved neighborhoods in the area. However, this argument can relate to the reading regarding the contradiction communities face. Although it might help some underserved areas, its main focus is to prosper the economy of the city. This part of the city is already undergoing change and gentrification. This streetcar proposal will only help this change to happen quicker. It will cause more gentrification because rent will increase due to the convenient location of the streetcar to these underserved area. Although this streetcar will bring in more revenue to the city, it will destroy many communities that will not be able to afford living in such a high rent neighborhood.



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