Category Archives: Project Brief Guidelines

Project Brief Guidelines

Project Briefs are due on Wednesday March 9th.  Please use the following outline as a guide when drafting your project brief (beginning during class on March 2nd). The brief will serve as a proposal and working outline for your project, which means that it may need to be adapted as you go along, especially with input from your community contact and me.  Note: As your work on your project briefs it might be helpful to check out the projects that students did last year.  

  1. Project Title:
  2. Project Goals: This project aims to…
  3. Project Design/Strategy: Our group will achieve these goals by…
    1. Historical research on key policies and planning practices (including what we cover in class), with a focus on….
    2. Direct engagement with community contacts, which for us will involve…
  4. Key Activities: Our specific activities will include…
  5. Proposed project deliverables: We anticipate that our project design and key activities will allow us to produce…
    1. A white paper that…
    2. A public engagement/popular education product that…
  6. Work plan/Time Line/Responsibilities of each team member:
    1. Our group’s work plan and timeline…
    2. Our group’s division of labor…