Josephine Guo 09/18/2013 the Metropolitan

On September 18th, our class went to the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Angel and I chose theĀ Jessie at Five, taken by Sally Mann in 1987. A little background about this photo is the characters in this photo is that of Mann’s children. The controversy about this photo is that her photo can be seen as pornography because of the nudity of her children. There were two punctums that we chose from this photo: the bags under the girl’s eyes (middle) and the young girl rubbing her eyes (right). These two details stood out because it meant they have sleep deprivation. The girl in the middle is not particularly happy and the bags under her eyes show that she has not slept well. The girl on the right was rubbing her eyes as if she just awoke up. We feel that the children in the photo were woken at whatever time her parent woke them, regardless in the middle of the night or in the middle of the day. It just struck us that it is pretty sad that they have to be models for Mann and not be able to sleep well.

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