Blog Post 1


At the Metropolitan Museum of Art, Brittany and I were drawn to Nikki S. Lee’s photograph entitled “The Yuppie Project (2)”. When we first looked at it we saw a variety of items in the picture that looked stereotypical of the 90’s era and we also noticed the dress that Lee was wearing, which looks like a prom dress. After looking at all of this, we finally noticed the punctum, which for the both of us, was the date that was in the lower left side of the picture. This date showed us that the picture was in fact taken in 1998, and also tried to show how the picture was meant to look like a casual and unprofessional picture. This punctum juxtaposed with the gaudy and quite tacky furniture shows off Lee’s style and her mission through “The Yuppie Project.” She wanted to show photographs of real groups of people, in their natural element, and then either take a photograph with them, dressed as one of them or just take a photograph of herself in the culture that she was currently immersing herself in. This date in the lower left screen served as a punctum because it made me question the significance of the date. Was this character going to a special party, or as a “yuppie” (a wealthy young professional) was this just a normal night that she just decided to get dressed up for? This picture is part of a series that was applauded for successfully mimicking the aspects of different cultures in America, and in this picture, Lee successfully shows a “yuppie” that leaves us guessing and makes us wonder where she is heading after this picture was taken.

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