Marisa Balbo The Met

The photo that Sam and I chose was Untitled 1988 by Gregory Crewdson. It depicts a normal home scene from the 80’s of a woman sitting in her living room, smoking a cigarette. In the background, a man, whom is assumed to be her husband, is sitting on the couch, reading a newspaper. The curtains are drawn and the lamp is on, softly illuminating the woman’s face, bringing attention to what we thought was the punctum of the photograph: the woman’s lined face. She has a significant amount of makeup on, even though she is just sitting in her living room with her husband, who is effectively ignoring her. The lines on her face attest to a long life, not necessarily an easy one. Her eyebrows are drawn inwards a tad bit, and there is no emotion in her eyes. She looks tired, defeated. This jumped out at us from the first glimpse of this picture.index

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