Angel Ho Post 3 10.14.13

Street CarnivalOn this dark and gloomy night, my block’s street carnival managed to change the night into one of light and happiness, bringing joy to the people on the block and whoever happened to pass by. The night was filled with laughter, smiles and cotton candy. Although this street carnival meant that I would not be able to sleep until late at night, I was filled with joy by all the smiling children and adults. The darkness and immense amount of clouds in the sky, usually associated with gloom and sadness, could now, or at least in this moment and night, could be associated with joyousness and never-ending laughter.

Photography is often looked at as just a way to record memories or to express one’s self. This level of professionalism verses amateurism rises. However, I believe that any photography no matter the level of professionalism can be interpreted to hold meaning for the audience or the subject, or the person behind the camera. This artistic form of expression to me is more of an amateur thing but pictures help me to capture significant moments in my life At the time I may not be able to see the significance or the meaning it may hold but looking back at a picture, I can begin to interpret the meaning of the picture. Similarly to the picture above, I took the picture because it was pretty. The lights were glimmering and the noises filled my house.

However, looking back on this picture three days later, I can see that this picture represented the highlight of my day. The weather usually has an impact on my mood so as predicted, I wasn’t the happiest of people that day. However, after seeing how much joy this little carnival was able to bring to people, I began to think about how such a little thing like the weather managed to bring my whole spirit down for the day. Sometimes all it takes is for a little spark or event to bring the joy back to my day. It’s silly that it took a carnival and instagram for me to come to this realization.


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