Tom Viskoc Blog Post #3

New York City can often seem like a foreign country to me. I have lived in the Village of Farmingdale out on Long Island for my entire life. The town is nothing like the city. Not a skyscraper for miles; no home that is ever more than two stories high. Its a peaceful place to live, very unlike the city, where on every street you would see hordes of people hustling from point A to point B.


Also unlike the city is the lack of architecture. On every street in the city, there is a building with some sort of sculpture on it. Sculpting has appealed to me more than any other art. The precision on every detail tells a story of its own. Sculptors can make the simplest  of materials come to life, right before your very eyes. I always take a moment to appreciate any building with sculptures on it. In Farmingdale, there is only The Library Cafe, a restaurant and bar whose entrance has a trio of animals to greet you at the door: Two lions adjacent to each other, and a golden bird overhead.LIB_200721516618
I spent all Friday afternoon in what is becoming my second home. I look at all the buildings as I walk around Lower Manhattan by Bowling Green. Out of nowhere something hits me. I turn on the spot, and hastily walk back to where I was just moments ago. There is this marvelous building in front of me. How did I overlook this the first time I walked by? I know nothing of what the significance of this building is, but captivated by its features – specifically the statues lined along the front – I’m inclined to take a picture.
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Upon my arrival home, I am still caught up in my own fascination for this building. Hours ago, I had no clue this building even existed. Now, I’m using all the resources at my disposal to learn what this building is. I discover it is the century old Alexander Hamilton U.S. Custom House – a National Historic Landmark.

Today, the Custom House is home to National Museum of the American Indian New York City branch and the National Archives in New York City. As what is located inside the building is sure to be important to a number of people, what is on the outside is what is most significant to me. It is an art style nothing like I see at home. Even though I’m seeing more NYC architecture everyday, its brilliance will never cease to amaze me.

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