David Rafalko Artist Statement Blog Post 3



What does one think of when they hear ‘New York City’? Does the person imagine large groups of people crowding around to get in the train station, or yellow taxi cabs picking up individuals to get them to their destination and to make a few bucks. One may interpret NYC in any way they want- the fact of the matter is that we are all different. We can all associate the big apple in which ever way we please.

The thing with this photograph is that it contains many of the features present in this great city. This includes, but is not limited to, various modes of transportation, large-scale buildings, open streets and sidewalks heavily populated by a diverse number of people, food stands, and much more. But in the case of this photo which I took for Snapshot Day, the two main focuses clearly appear to be the two things that many New Yorkers have come to recognize and understand and the things that would grab the attention of most people who look at this photo. These are the Columbus Circle Globe and Central Park.

Now, me being a New Yorker myself, I take the train to John Jay College on a regular basis. Even though I have come to the point where I basically take these things for granted since I am used to seeing them all the time, I came to the conclusion that these landmarks deserve to be appreciated. It is no secret that anyone who lives in or comes to Manhattan regularly would take these things for granted. The bottom line is that I chose this photo for Snapshot Day because: 1. I feel that it symbolizes NYC and 2. Every portion of it has its own unique ability to both blend into and stand out from the rest of the photograph.

For example, the globe being situated at the center, serves as the punctum. With its rather large size and shiny steel framework, the Columbus Circle would easily grab the attention of any person who looks at this photo. The globe, I strongly believe, serves as a symbol of Columbus’ voyages. Standing in back of the globe to the left hand side of the photo is the Trump International Hotel Tower high-rise building. Designed by Thomas E. Stanley and built in 1969, this amazing structure stands at 579 ft. This site is frequently visited by many tourists and also features hotel rooms as well as residential condos. But to me, the real reason why I believe this building is unique is because it stands out in contrast to the rest of the photo; the darkness of its windows and overall design brings it out from the other vibrant colors that are present. The height of the Trump Hotel/Tower, as well as many of the other skyscrapers one would find scattered throughout the city, allude to big dreams. Dreams that some people have of coming to this great big city for a better life. Aside from this, the Trump Hotel is also present in popular culture, being set as the location of the 2011 crime-comedy filmĀ Tower Heist.

However, the biggest part of this photo, and probably the most important and influential area of NYC which most people, including myself, would relate to NYC, has got to be Central Park. This large public park lies at the center of Manhattan. Central Park officially opened in 1857 and spanned 778 acres (now it is 840 acres). This historical landmark serves as the site of many events, garnering approximately 35,000,000 visitors annually. Horse carriages ride through the park, people go jogging through there, and the NY Philharmonic gives concerts there sometimes as well. And who could forget the Central Park Zoo. In all, Central Park serves as a place for individuals to relax and escape from the stresses of the big city and immerse themselves into the lush, green plant life and laidback setting.

In conclusion my opinion is that this photograph ultimately succeeds in both representing and symbolizing this great city; With the iconic yellow taxi cab, the trees in Central Park, the large building, the globe, the people minding their business, and even the street lights. It all comes together to give the photo a certain atmosphere associated with NYC. There is definitely a lot to be said about this. You know how the old saying goes- a picture is worth a thousand words.

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