Joyce Ling Two Boys Opera

I walked out of the opera room, still hearing reminisce of applause. Completely floored by what I had just witnessed in the last two and a half hours. Two Boys was an attempted to bring opera into a more current time era by incorporating the use of technology.A quite successful attempt, seeming that my attention was capture and I was enamored the entire show. The first half was slow to develop the plot, however in the second scene all the details that had been laid out in the first scene came together like a completed puzzle. Everything that was set out on stage had a specific purpose and the set was especially impressive. It was always moving and changing to grasp the audiences attention. One of my favorite aspects about the opera was when they displayed the chat rooms and projected onto the walls. During those moments, not once did my attention flutter because i believed that i would miss an important line.

The music was absolutely intense and not what I expected at all. My favorite singer had to be Jake, the sounds that were coming out his body were unreal. I felt goosebumps down my arms and chills resonating throughout my body. I know understand the use of young boys in opera back in the days. All the singers were remarkable, most of the story line was clear and understandable. I consider that impressive because of the fact they do not use microphones and they have to project their voice so that even the person standing all the way in the back could understand what they were saying. Another important factor of the opera was the orchestra. All the music played was for a specific purpose. When the scenes were intense and gripping, the music played by the orchestra would fasten their tempo, create a more eery tone to fit the scene.

One thing that did puzzled me was the dancing in the background. There were certain times during the show when there was so much going on that i had to pick on thing to focus on. However when people are waving and flailing i could not help but stare at the dancers, wondering what was going on. So in some sense, it did take away from the opera  instead of enhancing the overall show.

This opera has broaden my views on the traditional views of opera and the way opera is “suppose to be.” Never will i think of opera as a bunch of fat ladies and old guys singing very loudly until a champagne glass breaks. 9/10  I would definitely recommend this to everyone. Everyone should experience opera at least once in their life time, and this is the show to see. It has the perfect balance of plot twists, amazing, talented singers and beautiful music and set design.

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