David Rafalko 9/18/13 Met Response (Blog Post #1)



The photo that Tom and I both chose is named Untitled, 1999 by American artist Robert Gober. I find this one photo to be particularly mystifying and thought-provoking in the sense that it would seem unusual for one to find some sort of drain in the middle of a forest. This raises the question as to why someone would take a picture of this and for what reason or significance. Around the mysterious drain you can clearly see leaves and some twigs which tells you that the location is a forest or wood area of sorts. But the emphasis lies in the drain at the center of the photo. Such an ordinary thing in such a strange place. Why is it there and what does it mean?  More specifically, though, the darkness beneath the drain is what stands out to me the most in contrast to the rest of the photo, which is lighter and more visible, and that is why it is the punctum. The artist, Gober, has also stated that the drain is a ‘motif’ and it metaphorically acts similarly to a traditional painting as: “a window onto another world”.


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