Brittany Cabanas Blog Post #3 10/15/13

Colombus Circle Globe


This is a steel globe at the Columbus Circle subway station on 59th street. It was created by Kim Brandell, who has made many of these stainless steel globes for Donald Trump. This piece of artwork really represents Manhattan to me. My “Snapshot” of New York City is this piece of art because it embodies what Manhattan is all about: cultural diversity. It reminds me of just how much cultural diversity we really have right here in Manhattan. People from all over the world come to visit Manhattan everyday. There are so many people of different ethnicities, religions, and sexualities that are able to coexist in Manhattan.


This city just has such an accepting environment and that is something that has always stuck out to me about Manhattan. People can dress, act, and say what they want without being judged and criticized for who they are. This city is one of the few places I know where people can come from all over the world and coexist together in harmony. There are a few exceptions, but for the most part people are very accepting of all this diversity. In my neighborhood on Staten Island, everyone is pretty much the same and there is little diversity. Coming to Manhattan has really exposed me to a lot of different people and ideas, which I think is a really important aspect of Manhattan. Manhattan to me isn’t about the buildings, stores, taxis, or food stands. It’s about the people. This globe represents the people of Manhattan. I may not love the traffic or people shoving me out of their way to get to their train, but one thing I do love is that no matter who you are or what you look like you can be accepted in Manhattan. The tolerance for different cultures is what has allowed so many different types of food places and stores and ideas to be in Manhattan. So many different ideas and ways of thinking have come to Manhattan because of all the diversity in the city. Cultural diversity has brought so many new things to Manhattan and I think that’s what makes Manhattan great.


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