Nadejda Dimitrova – Blog #3


Nadejda Dimitrova

Professor Calirman

October 14, 2013

Snapshot from NYC blog

New York City is the cultural capital of the world. It’s the most densely populated city in the United States of America. It’s the big apple. It’s the city that never sleeps. And it’s where I live. And almost everyday when I walk over the Queensboro Bridge to get into Manhattan and come to John Jay I see this view. It’s a view at the end of the bridge overlooking 1st Avenue, and it encompasses a great part of my vision of New York City.

It shows an avenue that is part of NYC’s amazingly organized grid system of streets. On the avenue, and in my photograph, you can see the iconic yellow New York taxis speeding up and down the road. You see plenty of other cars too, with their bright lights shining through the night. These lights seem to continue infinitely illuminating the darkness, as you cannot see the end of the avenue.

You also cannot see the end of the buildings. They appear to go on lining the edge of the road that goes on. And their lights brighten up the space as well. In the picture, the skyscraper on the right is cut off and you cannot view how high it truly goes. This symbolizes the limitless potential of New York City to keep reaching higher, for a better tomorrow. Plus, the construction on the left side of the picture symbolizes progress in the city and all the work put into it. And all the buildings represent organizations of art, business, research, technology, and more.

On the other hand, the tree in the photo stands for nature, and how it is still a part of the city. It serves as an image for the natural order of things, including human nature. And even though you cannot specifically see any people in the picture, you know that they are the most important part of it all. Because if not for the people, the rest of it wouldn’t exists where it is now. Furthermore, the fact that you can’t see any person in particular adds a sense of universality to the picture, which accurately represents New York City, since all kinds of people live here – including me.

My snapshot from NYC captures just one moment in one place at one time, but with the energy of billions.


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