Brittany Cabanas Blog Post #4 10/27/13



The performance of “Run Don’t Run” at BAM, which was choreographed by Brian Brooks,  was something really interesting and unlike anything I’ve seen before. Something I truly had appreciation for the amount of strength and endurance it must’ve taken for those dancers to be able lift, jump, and dance for an entire hour. They often repeated their motions many times, which could get a little tedious and boring at times. What I loved the most about this performance was the partner work that went into it. The dancers were able to mirror each others’ motions really well and they stayed perfectly in sync throughout the performance. It really proved how much rehearsal and practice they must have done to be able to partner together and have such a perfect flow and precision to their partnering. Not only did they mirror each others’ movements, but they also were able to use their arm motions to flow together almost as one person. Two and sometimes even three people were able to partner together and use their entire bodies to come together and move as one. I also enjoyed how they used strings to add an interesting element to their dancing. Throughout the dance, the dancers bend the strings, lay on them, and use carabiners to link some of them together. It makes the performance more interesting to have them using the strings rather than just watching them dance. The hundreds of horizontal strings contrasts with all the flow and curved motions of the dancers’ partner work and also cuts the image of the dancers’ as they move from one side of the stage to the other. It really helps show how curvy the dancers motions are against the sharp lines of the strings. The different colors of light and change in music help show the change between parts of the performance and helps create a different mood for each changing scene. The different colors of light also reflected off the strings, changing the color of the strings, and sort of emphasizing the strings’ presence. The change of light and music clearly showed a change in the piece, but I wished the dancers’ faces would go along with that change. The dancers’ all had the same blank expression throughout the performance and I was wishing they would use their faces to show a change in mood like the music and lights did. Overall, I thought this performance was very interesting and I would recommend others to go and see this performance.

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