Megan Bogatz: Blog 5

The perceptions that a young adult holds about an opera are not the best, at least for me. Long, boring, and confusing are a few words that I think of when an opera comes to mind. Two Boys, however, was an opera that changed my mind. 

Composed by Nico Muhly, this production is currently being shown at the Metropolitan Opera, Lincoln Center. The show tells the story of two teenage boys and their interaction online. Brian, a 16-year-old boy, seemingly enters into a dramatic event through talking with people on a chat online. This scene plays out and finally ends with Brian stabbing Jake, a 13-year-old boy. The reasons are originally unknown, and a detective by the name of Anne Strawson is assigned to the case. Strawson’s character comes with her own backstory, including her aging mother and child that she gave up for adoption. She struggles with these two issues throughout the play.

The visuals of the play are striking, eerie, and effective. The videos up on the two big screens on stage show chat logs, security footage, and webcam video, to add to the telling of the drama. The setting is dark and gloomy, highlighting the scary undertones of the Internet that took effect on these boys. The singing seemed beautiful to me, although I’m not an expert. The only problem I majorly had when it came to the singing was the lyrics. Some seemed mundane and unnecessary, highly unworthy of the robust opera voice.

Although the opera was mostly a hit, the story of Anne Strawson was a part that I could of done with out. While you connect deeply with the two teenage boys, it’s hard to connect with the character of the detective. Her story is boring, to be blunt, and strays away from the entire purpose of the opera.

Two Boys is a beautiful composed opera, both in singers and visuals, however there is a disconnect with the older audience. The theme deals with a very modern concept, the Internet. Most of the attendees of the opera are older in age and might not enjoy the in depth analysis of this overpowering technology. For a young audience though, like myself, I was extremely impressed.


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