Machine Gun Preacher

Machine Gun Preacher Collage: 

The new movie, Machine Gun Preacher, is about a true story of a man named Sam Childers.

Sam Childers used to be an alcoholic and a drug addict; unsure of where he was going. His life was rather bleak and gloomy until it took a turn for the better. He was introduced to Christianity and found God. With his newfound hope and beliefs, Sam set out to do the impossible.

He traveled into the depths of Sudan and built an orphanage with his own bare hands. He saved the lives of more than 1,000 abandoned children and provided them with a place to live. Sam Childers also instilled hope and faith into the hearts of each child; forever changing their lives.

His miraculous transformation can be symbolically viewed through metamorphosis. At first there is only a cocoon, a new beginning, and with much time and patience it grows and changes into a beautiful butterfly, ready to take on the world with utter determination. Sam became a butterfly; he got out of his cocoon, and flew.   



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