Oct 11

Anthropology and the Museum of Natural History

One of the classes I’m taking at Hunter is Intro to Cultural Anthropology, and it has one of the most interesting textbooks I have ever had the pleasure of reading. Seriously. You can call me a nerd, but I love that stuff. What could be more interesting than studying humans? Anthropology, psychology, sociology, all of that stuff is completely fascinating to me.

One of the assignments for the class was that we had to take a trip to the Museum of Natural History of visit a few of the exhibits there, so that’s what I did last Saturday with my friend Christian, who is also in that anthropology class. I’ve been to the Museum of Natural History more times than I can count, but I guess because the TA’s made it clear that this stuff would be on the test, I paid a whole lot more attention than I ever have before. We had to go see Human Evolution, Biodiversity, the Primate Hall, the Pacific Northwest Indians, the Hall of the African Peoples, the Peoples of the Pacific, and the South American Peoples.

I could go on and on about every little thing we learned, and how cool it all was, but I think you, whoever is reading this, should just go and see if yourself if you haven’t already. Seriously, go and don’t just look at the displays, but read EVERYTHING. Because that’s what I did, probably for the first time ever, and I’m really glad. I honestly believe that we have the best natural history museum in the WORLD…and if not the world, definitely the country. I’ve been to the Smithsonian in DC, and even that, I don’t think, compares to our very own Natural History Museum in the Upper West Side.

Which reminds me, on a side note, I love the mosaics on the walls in the subway station. If you go to the museum, take the subway just to see that, because its amazing! I didn’t take a picture but I wish I did so I could post it here! Now I guess you’ll just have to see it yourself. But I digress.

We definitely have the best Natural History museum EVER. I want to go there again and again and again. And another great thing is, you can pay any amount of money you want to get in, as long as you buy the tickets when you get there, and not by using a machine. Just wait in line, and you can pay anything from one cent to the eighteen (?) dollars that it costs to buy a full-priced adult ticket. Christian and I paid a dollar each.

After we were ready to leave the museum, Christian and I went down to Wall Street, so if anyone was wondering, yes I did go back, and yes I will talk about it again as soon as possible! I even went a third time, which is probably what I’ll focus on. But for now I have anthropology to read (yay!) so more on that next time!