Flow by Jonathan Galassi

“The truth is that most poetry, even most of what is greatly prized and read today, even what has been wrested from nothingness by these heroes of mine, is destined to be forgotten. But that’s not our concern. The future will decide what it can make use of.”

After reading this, I realized that Galassi was probably a dark or pessimistic writer since he understood that writing fades away.  After reading Flow, I saw that he was also very knowledgeable in his Ancient Greek stories (“Apollo” line 7, “Phoebe” line 11, the “with my arrows, my bow…” line 6).  His diction is dark and gloomy while having a violent bone-cracking chill to it, like when he references suicide (2) and “coiling” “battered” and “scarred” (20, 22).  I’m curious as to why he threw so many Greek references and dark words around in this poem.

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