Chelsea Galleries

The piece of art “Group of teachers” by Martin Honert was located at the Matthew Marks Gallery. I found this piece very interesting and very different from the other types of art that were in the gallery. the group of teachers definitively stood out because they were at the end of a big room and the light of the room was mostly focus on them. This could represent Honert’s childhood experience at boarding school and also the impact and influence the “group of teachers” had on him. The light could represent a memory from the past, and how this memory remains in Honert’s life even thought these people are not longer close to him. Although the characters are smiling, there is something that made me keep away from them. Maybe because their face expressions or perhaps the feeling that they were watching me was scary and it made me feel uncomfortable when I was in front of them.

Chelsea Galleries

While I was walking i saw a little piece that really caught my attention. I never thought that i was going to find such a beautiful piece on the street. When i saw this i was so in love with it because i thought it was really cute and also very creative. I immediately began to think to whom the idea has occurred  and also what was his purpose by drawing this on the street. After i saw this piece i was very happy because it reminded me of my little brother and the drawings that he likes to do.


One thought on “Chelsea Galleries

  1. Meera Desai

    Hi 🙂 It was interesting that you noticed that all of the teachers were smiling, but they still somehow managed to look sinister. I completely agree with you, and I guess this creepy feeling may have also had to do with the fact that they were standing in a closed group, almost like a cult or an army of teachers, which would obviously make people, especially students, wary. Also, it was amazing that the robot was such a simple, random and small piece of art, but it evoked so much emotion in you. It was cute that you thought of your brother, even in that split second that you took this picture [while stopping traffic in the middle of the street!]. That is why I look down when I’m in the city; there are so many little things that are so easy to miss, but if you catch a glimpse of them, they are beautiful.


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