An oasis in the city



Even though I only walked up to the middle of the High Line, I still sensed its unique peace and inspiration.  Started from the entrance at the Tenth Avenue, I was surprised by its distinctive landscape. The High Line, accompanied by lovely bushes and grasses on both side of the walkaway, presented visitors a rare natural view in this modern metropolis.  Embraced by charming plants, people had already unloaded all the pressure and burdens from their life. As the breeze assuaged all people’s stress, they concentrated on nothing more important than the view on the streets.  When I watched the cars moving under the High Line and the people walking up and down the street, I felt the people in this city were always rushed through daily life, never slowed their quickening-pace to anything.  At that moment, however, I felt like the place where I stood was excluded from this bustling city, because the people on the High Line were strolling alone with that pleasant landscape which extended forward. And at the same time, they also photographed all the beauty that attracted them, no matter the trees, the plants or the street view. Instead of being engulfed by huge buildings and mansions as they were in the streets, the people on the High Line had a broader perception, because of High Line high above the ground. When I looked at to the end of the street, which appeared to connect to the sky, the luminous sunlight seemed to drive away all of tiredness and once again lighten the energy in my life.




One thought on “An oasis in the city

  1. Cindy Flores

    Your blog is very descriptive. You capture the moment that we were up in the high line and the scene does show the calming effect that the high line can have on people. I agree with you when you said it “felt like the place where I stood was excluded from this bustling city” because I feel that the high line is a small oasis from the stress of city life. It gives us a breath of fresh air and gives us a small moment of peace.


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