“You Never Can Tell” and “The Art of Theater” Questions

You Never Can Tell Questions:

Why does Phillip always refer to his “knowledge of human nature” as an explanation for everything that is going on around him? Does he believe that he knows everything about the way others think? Also, why is having a father so important during that time in England? Could having a father mean that you were educated better rather than being brought up by a single mother? And could Dolly’s rude behavior be Shaw’s way to show that children from a single-mother home don’t have the same education and manners as children that were raised with a father?


The Art of Theater:

I was intrigued by the theater for which Shakespeare wrote for that had no lighting except the sun. Would a play without the visual stimuli usually found in theater not be as good as any other play? Would a play without something so basic to us such as lighting, affect the quality of the play and how much emotion it could draw from us?


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