Question on the Reading: Understanding Ch.2

25-69: Where the Gestalt psychologists are concerned with art that is based on the context in which we view it in, isn’t this form of art counter to what art is meant to be? That is, instead of attempting to evoke an emotion or explain something to the audience, doesn’t this abstract form of art actually attempt to trick or challenge its audience? I feel as if it is purposed differently than other styles of art.

99-111: With the advent of more advanced forms are art, are we to expect that older styles of art such as sculpting and painting will eventually fade away and be fully replaced by their more contemporary versions, via computer design and digital art? Similar to how the old forms of cameras have been beaten out by the easier-to-use phone and digital cameras we now use, isn’t it likely that those art forms of the past will be eliminated by their cheaper, more user-friendly counterparts?

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