The Armory Show

The Armory Show was the first exhibition of modern art in the United States. The kind of art shown in the Armory Show changed the view of americans towards art. “American audience were used to seeing Rembrandts and Titians in their galleries” (Marilyn Kushner). Therefore, americans were shocked with this new movement of art.

One of my favorites piece of art was “The beheading of saint John” By Pierre Puvis de Chavannes. This helped the new form of art because it showed a reality and not just perfect beings as the rembrandts and titians. Basically what this pieces of art is illustrating, it’s the suffering of Christ but at the same time his Joy, which could be interpreted as a blessing to obtain grace which the reward of eternal life by accepting Christ’s name.


Another piece of art that caught my attention was “Silence” By Odilon Rendon. it was interesting that she has her fingers to her lips as if she was silencing herself. Her eyes are down cast and she looks ashamed of herself. The colors in this piece of art can depict the sadness and the hopelessness. During this time of period, it was the progressive era where everyone was happy but she looks sad because women are still being oppressed and she has to keep silent.


The third piece of art that i found intriguing was “Blue Nude” By Henri Matisse. It draws from a traditional reclining female nude that brigs us back to the Renaissance. This piece of art is a distorter image of the female form. What the author is trying to show with this piece of art, it’s maybe how women were feeling during the time of Renaissance. During that time Women were oppressed by men. They didn’t have legal power.  So what this piece of art can be representing is the freedom that women wanted to have but they couldn’t. Also they desire to be heard and not only just seen. The color in this piece of art help the viewers have an image of that desire and also gives more live to the painting itself.


One thought on “The Armory Show

  1. Clare Carroll

    Dear Dani, Glad you enjoyed the show. You did a good job of selecting paintings that interested you. And you clearly looked at them carefully. I also applaud your attempt to connect the nude by Matisse with the social context. Please realize that the painting is not from the Renaissance. Perhaps you meant that it was reflecting back on the tradition of paintings of nudes from the Renaissance (1350-1650). It would be helpful for you to read the chapter in Berger’s book on nudes. Look at this and revise your post, if you have time.


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