The author seems to be very back-and-forth with his opinion. He finds himself not “bashing” but most definitely criticizing many different aspects of Chelsea… I want to know if he possibly had a bad experience, in general, that ruined Chelsea for him? Also, even with his back-and-forth opinion, did he truly believe Chelsea to still be artistically superior?
Author Archives: Brian Rivera
Understanding Art
This chapter separates Realistic, Expressionistic, and Abstract art into different categories (which seems to be very natural, these days- to separate and segregate).
Isn’t there a way where we can find all three of these types of art in a single work? If so, since you are able to paint an abstract work with the inspirations and influences of realism and expressionism, shouldn’t it be mentioned in a collection such as “Understanding Art” that they may be able to/ can play into each other?
-Brian Rivera