Author Archives: Maggie Dickinson

About Maggie Dickinson

I am a graduate student in the Anthropology Department at the CUNY Graduate Center and an Instructional Technology Fellow at Macaulay Honors College, Queens Campus.

Dance Critiques

Dear Students,
I just posted the article on “Dance Critiques” on the Readings page. Pages 92-99 give you a check list for the essay, rubrics for a dance critique as well as a sample dance review. Unfortunately, some of the pages did not come out that well in the pdf. I will give you a photocopied hand-out of this material tomorrow in class.
See you tonight at the City Center. I will post directions in a separate e-mail.
Best wishes,
Clare Carroll

Accessing the NY Times

In order to access articles from the New York Times, first go to the Queens College Library Homepage:

Next, go to “Find Databases” in the lefthand sidebar.  Click on “N” and scroll down to “New York Times”.  Click on this and then type in the title of a specific article you’d like to read, making sure to choose “Document Title” from the drop-down menu.  Click search and it should bring up the article you want.

If you want to search the whole Arts Section, you can type in the letter of the section (C, D, etc.), which you’ll be able to find on the NY Times website.  Choose “Section” from the drop down menu.  Go down to the section that says “Publication Date” and choose “On this Date” from the drop down menu.  Enter today’s date, click “Search” and it will give you all the articles from today’s Art Section.

Accessing the QC Library databases from home: Instructions on accessing the QC Library databases from home can be found here: