Author Archives: Meera Desai

About Meera Desai

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Understanding Art: Questions on the Reading

Humans are creatures of symmetry, order and rhythm, from our constant heartbeat to our proportioned bodies, as illustrated by Da Vinci’s Proportion of the Human Figure. Order comes as a natural instinct to us and to create disorder, one has to go against instinct and consciously generate disorder and to create it, one has to completely grasp the concept of order. Does disorder have its root in order? (13) (73)

Leo Tolstoy expressed that “Art is not a handicraft, it is the transmission of feeling the artist has experienced.” If this feeling is the actual beauty of art, then is it wrong to judge art based solely on technique? Based on this concept of the feeling of a piece determining its value,  could one even draw a connection between a piece of art about the Holocaust and a pop-art piece about Marilyn Monroe? (15)