Category Archives: Question on the Reading

“Understanding Art” Chapter 1

There are so many techniques that an artist can use to influence the viewer’s reaction to his art. If say, an artist decides to create a certain focal point, will all the viewers see it as one? If he decides to create balance, will everyone feel that it is a balanced work of art?
Additionally, can a work of art meant to create order and harmony also create chaos? Can there be balance in chaos? Can a viewer interpret a work of art meant to portray chaos as one of order and harmony?

“Understanding Art”

The opening quote particularly caught my attention. Picasso states that humans will attempt to solve and understand things like portraits (and presumably, artifacts, sculptures, etc. as well). But he also says humans ignore birdsongs – which are perhaps a more natural, even primal form of art that dates back long before the dawn of man. What does he mean in this statement? Does he imply that certain art forms, maybe those created by humans, are seen as superior to others, and are thus worthy of our attention, while others are not? Is this a form of elitism within art that Picasso is acknowledging? Maybe he’s saying that more modern forms of art are representative of a higher intelligence – is the advancement of art indicative of an advanced society?

“What is Art” Question on the Reading

1. The authors affirm that an understanding of the vocabulary of art, the principals of design, as well as the “historical, social, and political context” of a work of art will allow a “more meaningful dialogue” with that work. Do you feel that this perspective somewhat contradicts the idea that art is supposed to “transcend understanding” and perhaps renders purely aesthetic admiration of art superficial, or does it give you hope that those who do not have a meaningful relationship with art may find one through these means? (2)

2. The authors discuss how standards of beauty differ between Western and Non-western cultures, but they also emphasize comprehension of the principals of design as a factor in understanding art. Does the latter support the idea that there are certain visual elements which humans instinctively gravitate towards (i.e. symmetry), or is it all dependent on cultural forces?  (2-3)

Alina Pena