Welcome to Avenue U / Bensonhurst!
Bensonhurst, located in the lower west area of Brooklyn, is where many Russians, Greeks, Italians, Hispanics, and Chinese people call home. Here is where you can grab a Chinese pineapple bun, Russian bread, and some Italian salami on the same block. Even though this part of Brooklyn is not as huge as say, Manhattan’s Chinatown, you can still find many avid handball players, get a good mani-pedi, and engage in numerous activities here in Bensonhurst.
On the October of 2012, the devastating Superstorm Sandy hit the East Coast of America and vital cities like New York felt the impact. Coney Island was devastated by flooding and many people lost their homes and businesses to the salty waters of the Atlantic Ocean, but what happened to the delightful, diverse neighborhood of Bensonhurst, which lies not too far from Coney Island? In this short documentary, we explore the impact Hurricane Sandy had on this community, its residents, and its businesses.
Documentary: Sandy Documentary