by Madelyn Sher

As Lauren, Nadia and I ran down Bedford Park Boulevard on that rainy Friday morning, I was not thinking so much about nuclear power; instead, I was bracing myself for how disappointed Professor Chudnovsky would be if the three of us were to miss the bus. He had emphasized repeatedly in class that promptness was necessary for our outing to Indian Point, as was the proper clothing, footwear, and identification. My opinion of Indian Point nuclear facility prior to entry was thus that they were picky and paranoid, and the cause of a much-too-early morning. I didn’t fully understand the reasons for the diligence in their security measures, nor did I fully care; all I knew was that my cotton shirt, rubber-soled boots, driver’s permit, and me, were expected to be sitting on a bus in less than two minutes.

Fortunately, we made the bus with plenty of time; Wynter Greene, our Macaulay advisor and trip chaperone, had still not arrived, and we had to wait for her for another ten minutes before we began our trip. I settled into my seat and checked in with my fellow classmates, all of whom were sleepily grinning at one another, discussing registration for classes, recent news, and the ridiculously long time it took them to get to campus that day. While I live a luxuriously short distance from campus, I was feeling the fatigue of a clipped night of sleep hitting me; a sleepover filled with chatting the night before, plus a 7:30am scheduled trip, plus waking up extra early to make breakfast, equaled an exhausted teenager. As soon as Wynter joined us and our driver began leading us toward the highway, I put my headphones on, played my favorite band, curled up as comfortably as I could manage, and passed out.

Two hours later, as the album I was playing ended, I woke up to see a sign in front of our vehicle that displayed the word, “Entergy”. As the bus driver waited for Raquel, who was driving her own car, to catch up with us before we proceeded, my classmates were attempting to understand the meaning of “Entergy”: was it a clever mash-up of the words “energy” and “enter”, appropriate for the entrance of an energy-producing facility?

When we unloaded from the van, we were met by Pat, a friendly man who introduced himself as our tour guide for the visit. He led us to a building wherein we were each instructed to keep the visitors’ passes given to us visible at all times. We then left this building and drove to another part of the facility, where we awaited the security guards who would individually check us for any prohibited items. Pat asked us if we had any preliminary questions while we were stopped, and I asked what had been on my mind since I first learned that we, a harmless group of students (for the most part), had to undergo various levels of precautions just to walk inside of a classroom in the nuclear facility: “what’s with all of the security?”

Pat explained that since the attacks on 9/11, lots of money was pumped into strengthening the security of the Indian Point nuclear facility. An attack on Indian Point could mean utter disaster, given the radioactive materials and highly pressurized water contained in any nuclear plant as well as the relatively large amount of power supplied by Indian Point to New York City; however, he assured us, it is highly unlikely that an effective attack could occur on the Indian Point grounds, and he told us that he would elaborate on that note later in his prepared presentation. Interestingly, he admitted that he personally felt that some of the security measures taken, which apply not only to visitors but to employees of the plant as well, do seem a bit excessive, and perpetuate the perception of the nuclear plant as a dangerous, mysterious operation. For someone like Pat, who dedicates himself to promoting education about nuclear power even though he has been retired from the plant for years, this can be frustrating. Illustrating Pat’s answer to my question were a few employees passing through the room in which we stood, who swiped what were presumably identification cards and had their fingerprints scanned multiple times in order to pass through giant metal turnstiles.

Once the security guards arrived, we lined up one at a time to be politely frisked and have our identities verified once more. Then we proceeded to the large classroom where Pat would give his presentation. There was a large projection screen that played a PowerPoint presentation, of which each of us was given a printed copy. This was when we all received our much-anticipated Indian Point pens and pencils, as well! Despite the fatigue that had clouded my morning thus far, the coffee I had earlier was finally beginning to kick in as Pat began, and I was able to stay focused for the duration of his interesting, informative presentation.



Indian Point Energy Center

Unit 1 at Indian Point, built in the 1970’s, was the first commercial power plant in the world; there were some that had been running before, but Unit 1 was the first fully operational plant. Before Indian Point was built here, the area was under-developed and country-like. This unit was where the industry essentially started. Indian Point was built for ConEd, because in the 70’s, ConEd was the main distributor of energy and NYC was ConEd’s main customer. The close proximity to New York City was a main reason for Unit 1’s location; power plants tend to be in heavy populated areas, where there is more demand for energy and poor air quality. This is because when energy is transported across large distances, it is gradually depleted by the time it reaches the receiving end compared with its original amount. Additionally, because nuclear power plants do not release emissions, they are ideal for areas that consume high amounts of energy. However, this same close proximity to New York City is also the cause of much of the controversy surrounding Indian Point today, because of worries that a disaster at the power plant would affect this large city.

Unit 1 was shut down in 1974, but Unit 2, built in 1974, and Unit 3, built in 1976, both still run today and produce 11% of New York’s electricity. Unit 2 produces 1047 MW of electricity and Unit 3 produces 1035 MW. For 26 years, Units 2 and 3 were owned by two separate companies, which meant that a lot of work at Indian Point had to be duplicated to meet the separate needs of each company. This was highly inefficient and, as Pat implied, somewhat indicative of the entire American nuclear power industry. Today Entergy (the corporation whose name confused us when we first arrived) owns both plants, which has raised efficiency up to 95% from 70%. The work force at Indian Point has about 1,100 employees; and every year during refueling, more jobs are added to this figure.

The production of energy at a nuclear power plant involves a series of chain reactions that center around large-scale nuclear fission. Water is taken from a supply (at Indian Point, this means the Hudson river) and is pressurized so that it turns to gas at a high temperature (600 degrees Fahrenheit). The steam that is generated then spins giant turbines, which go on to spin the magnets that produce energy. The heat that turns the water into steam comes from the splitting of a uranium atom. Uranium-235 is the isotope that allows for the easiest fission; otherwise, uranium-238 is used. The fission of uranium produces both heat (energy) and radiation; thus, used fuel is highly radioactive.

Moving on (and excusing my rough explanation of the chemical reactive process that takes place at a nuclear power plant), I find the controversy about Indian Point, and nuclear energy in general, far more interesting to explore. Pat discussed the concern that many have brought up about the effects of Indian Point’s activities on the Hudson River. He asked the class what we thought the most commonly-held concern was, and somebody guessed that taking water out and pumping it back in might cause a difference in temperature, thus affecting the ecosystem of the river. However, Pat explained that the temperature difference between the water taken out and water put back in is so negligible that it does not affect marine life at all. In fact, the real environmental concern surrounds killing fish; there being 6 pumps for each plant, which pump 1.7 million gallons of water per minute out of the river and back in, some fish are bound to get caught in the current and sucked into a pump.

To quell these worries, there is a prevention system in place for larger items that get stuck in the currents produced by the pumps at Indian Point. Actually, Indian Point boasts a 98% survival rate for fish that get sucked into pumps; and as for smaller organisms, because of the already low percentage of larvae that survive each day, the damage caused by Indian Point does not significantly affect their chances of survival. As it turns out, this part of the Hudson River has been studied more than most other bodies of water — 30 years — and all studies show that marine life is sustained and there are very low levels of pollution in the water.

Despite these figures, the Department of Environmental Conservation has made it clear that they want Indian Point to have cooling towers as an alternative to the cooling canal that injects used water back into the Hudson. Cooling towers bring water to their top where it gets misted, and returns down before being added back into the river. However, there are a series of issues that may arise as a result of cooling towers. This method would add solids to the air, and the expected survival rate for fish and larvae would decrease to 96%. Additionally, these towers might take 16 years to construct, would definitely cost a lot of money, and would be as high as Yankee Stadium. Thus, it seems like the cooling procedure already in place at Indian Point does its job as efficiently (or more so) than the alternatives proposed by the D.E.C.

Another question that is brought up about nuclear power is the extent of its sustainability as an energy source. Every 40 years, companies must renew their license; to do so, the federal government must inspect the plant and make recommendations for improvement. If requirements are met, the plant gets permission to run for another 20 years. The expiration dates put on power plants’ licenses are, however, not based on the lifetime expectancy of the plants themselves; in fact, if plants are maintained properly with replacements and fixes, they can run indefinitely! Limits on the lifetimes of licenses are completely financially and politically motivated. However, the fact that a nuclear power plant is limited in how long it can operate can easily be misinterpreted to mean that after X amount of years, the plant will become inoperative or even dangerous.


About halfway through Pat’s presentation, I began to detect a unifying theme that kept recurring in each of the topics he addressed. Most of the so-called “controversy” that surrounds nuclear power is actually misinformation that stems from a lack of transparency. If the general public were to know the actual facts about nuclear energy (facts meaning scientifically proven facts, not empty statements made by politicians or other non-scientists) then they would be better equipped to evaluate the efficiency of nuclear power. Pat, who volunteers his time to spread the message about nuclear power, certainly is a promoter of increasing transparency at power plants, as he knows that this will ultimately garner support. As I felt my understanding of the happenings at Indian Point deepen, I also felt that I could more confidently trust nuclear power plants as a viable source of energy.


As mentioned before, used fuel is extremely dangerous because of its high levels of radioactivity. What to do with this used fuel is a large focus of concern for nuclear advocates and critics alike. Uranium pellets are delivered to plants in rods, which are grouped into safe, enclosed assemblies. Before it is used, uranium is safe to handle (unless it is ingested). Uranium is abundant and controllable in its natural state, which makes it ideal for energy production. About 40% of global uranium supply is found in Australia, and 25% comes from Canada. Westinghouse, a global manufacturing company, provides Indian Point with its uranium. After uranium has been used for fission, it becomes radioactive, and the United States has struggled with dealing with this waste for years. As it turns out, used fuel can actually be reprocessed. This means that a greater energy yield can result from the right recycling method, which would conserve resources and significantly reduce waste.

However, reprocessing is not allowed in the United States. During his presidency, Jimmy Carter encouraged the Strategic Arms Commission to declare the 1% of plutonium found in nuclear waste to be a threat because of its weapon-making potential. This led to the decision to make the reprocessing of fuel a banned activity in the United States. It is evident that this decision was largely made because of the nuclear arms race that colored politics at the time; however, it is equally evident that the current energy situation calls for a re-evaluation of all energy-related laws, especially one that bans a largely positive, recycling-focused activity. While most other countries that use nuclear power also reprocess their fuel, the United States lets the nuclear waste it produces sit untouched. Since 1984, the nuclear industry has been paying the federal government billions of dollars to take nuclear waste to Nevada, where they had promised to store it. For whatever reason, however, this has not happened, and facilities must deal with their nuclear waste on their own premises. Our government today is considering going back to reprocessing, which, given the details just mentioned, seems like a good idea.

Despite the lack of reprocessing in our country, Pat pointed out that nuclear waste does not physically take up much space, and is therefore not as big of a problem as most people think it is. High-level waste collected over the course of 36 years is all contained at Indian Point, in what looks like an empty swimming pool that extends 40 feet deep. Considering the amount of energy that has been produced in those 36 years, the volume of this waste is relatively tiny. Nuclear energy does not produce any emissions, and is thus a clean method of producing power. It is also highly efficient and inexpensive. This efficiency is seen clearly in the following info-graphic, provided by a power plant in Virginia:



Given that oil, one of the most popular sources of energy, is running out, it is necessary to investigate alternative methods of energy production. The high efficiency of uranium makes nuclear power extremely viable territory for investigation.

As promised, Pat discussed with us some of the safety and security features of Indian Point. Each of the water reactors, which handle the pressurized steam, is enclosed by a containment building. These dome-shaped buildings are constructed with strong bars made out of rebar, with steel. Concrete of high density is then poured over this network of steel in a single pour, with no seams. The containment buildings are meant to ensure that if a steam explosion occurred, it would be contained (hence the name of the building). The construction of these buildings makes them extremely difficult to penetrate, from the outside or inside. Additionally, even if an outside force were able to cause damage to the building, nothing dangerous would actually escape into the atmosphere. All of the potentially dangerous substances (namely, highly pressurized steam) are held within the water reactors themselves.

As a dramatic move in his presentation, for which I applaud him, Pat showed us a clip of an aircraft crashing into a containment building as a means of testing its strength in case of an attack. The aircraft literally atomizes, disappearing into dust! This video shocked the class, demonstrated the strength of the containment buildings, and further emphasized the point that every aspect of the safety of the nuclear plant had been thought through.

Another note about the security of the plant: not only is every bit of the area monitored constantly by highly trained, armed professionals, but every few years, the plant hosts a simulated attack wherein US military specialists attempt to infiltrate Indian Point and reach the most restricted areas of the facility. They have never been successful in doing so, because of the extensive security measures in place. Pat recounted how the entire staff is notified weeks prior to the fake attack, and plant security personnel are given laser guns and special body gear. While they sound like an intense game of laser tag, these drills are necessary to the high quality security expected at Indian Point.

After his presentation, and a generous lunch of sandwiches, coleslaw, and cookies, our class went on the actual tour of the facility. Sporting IPEC head gear, goggles, and ear plugs, we marched through the areas where the steam generators performed, walked into the simulated control room where trainees practiced monitoring the computer system, and even saw the cooling canal that pumped water back into the Hudson (we kept our eyes peeled for fish, but didn’t see any). We learned that one of the most important activities that goes on at Indian Point is monitoring the purity of the water that is used to be converted into steam, because unwanted minerals could react with the uranium. Pat warned us not to touch any of the fences that enclosed the area, as these motion detectors would send a message to armed personnel who would show up in no time to investigate the disturbance. We had to undergo a few more security precautions as we moved through the facility, including an airport-like body scan. Though the helmets and multiple body scans took some time getting used to, I felt safe and trusting of the facility, especially upon seeing other smiling people walking around the area.

At the end of the day, as Pat led us back to our van, I asked him casually if he had been a nuclear power advocate prior to landing his job at Indian Point (which he impressively had for about 40 years). He admitted that, with a background in engineering, he did not quite know the specifics about the chemical process involved in producing nuclear power, nor about the environmental effects (or rather, lack thereof). It seems that after years of spending time at the facility, he grew to know and appreciate the efficiency of a nuclear power plant, which influenced his decision to remain involved even after retirement. As he smiled and waved goodbye to us in our van, I reflected on Pat’s devotion to promoting a truthful understanding of nuclear energy; for the first time, I actually felt disheartened that this industry faces so many obstacles in merely maintaining operation.

How can people support the closing of a facility as important as Indian Point? It provides New York with a large chunk of energy at a reduced cost and 0 emissions. Its proximity to New York City allows these customers to access more energy at a highly efficient rate. Why are more people not informed about the facts of nuclear power, and how can that change? What is the future of reprocessing? What is the future of nuclear power? These questions swirled around in my head during the ride back to campus as I once again curled up with my music, and drifted into sleep filled with nuclear-inspired dreams.


Works Cited


Bredenberg, Al. “The Damage Done, Part 5 – Nuclear Power, the Green That Glows? | ThomasNet News Green & Clean Journal –” ThomasNet News Green Clean Journal ThomasNetcom RSS. Thomas Publishing Company, 3 Jan. 2012. Web. 11 Dec. 2013. <>.


“Nuclear Fuel Cycle.” Virginia Uranium. 2012. Web. 11 Dec. 2013. <>.


Indian Point Energy Center. Entergy Corporation, Web. 11 Dec. 2013. <>.


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