
My favorite piece of the exhibit was an oval black board with little toy soldiers spray-painted black attached to the board located in the back room. The small figures that make up the work all appear the same from a distance because they blend together the further you step back. However, when standing closer to the board, it is clear these figures are not the same and there are key differences to each. I believe this demonstrates how easy it is to quickly generalize a single group and assuming every individual in the group is the same, but in reality, each individual is unique and should not be defined by what others among them have done. This can certainly pertain to the treatment of African-Americans, as well as other minorities, but it is also relevant to the Police officers, many of whom are being characterized as villainous because a few of their peers have abused their power. No matter the scenario, it is never accurate to judge an entire group based off the actions of a few individulas.