George Templeton Strong’s diary pointed out a remarkably satirical and sarcastic comment about calling people “humans.” The documents from Brooklyn had an article from The Christian Recorder which actually called the victims “men.”

There are cases when humans act beyond what is commonly known as “human” and there are cases in which the humans are just never treated as humans, and the very fact that “humans” were victim to such treatment would shock the readers. This “men” is the aggressor of so many historical events, as well as the victim. The “men’s” deed range greatly: some times we call it “encounter,” sometimes we call it “massacre,” sometimes we call it “rebellion,” sometimes we call it “revolution,” sometimes we call it “riot,” sometimes we call it “protest.” With every angle, this “men” seems to have different faces, that there is no face to be shown except for that of ourselves which we have yet to comprehend.