“Choking Hazard” by Amaris Modesto

Although the exhibit was intended to serve the purpose of getting individuals to respond to a high priority issue in our apparently rapidly developing dystopian police state, many of the pieces such as this one, have taken a step over the line. The exhibit alienates the police force completely, dehumanizing all those that are within its ranks portraying them all as nothing more than killing machines. Although there are scattered incidences of police brutality and racial profiling is well documented in New York City, not every cop abuses their authority and positions of power to do harm specifically towards certain minority groups. To me this anti-police sentiment is much more dangerous than the rampaging, authority-abusing cops in question.  To a degree, authority should be questioned, however, once it reaches and point in which the masses align due to believed repressive practices, chaos ensues.  Prior to this complete mass chaos, animosity alone is enough to influence individuals and the way they act.  Their dislike of police may make them less compliant in the chance they may be apprehended or simply questioned by police officers on the streets.  In extreme cases individuals may take it a step further and harm or even kill police officers, such as those making headlines in today’s papers.  Although the system does have its faults, it is not reasonable to react in such a way that completely dehumanizes the majority of a people (the cops) even if the same system is believed to do the same to other groups of people (minority groups).