Poor girl meets a young prince, and they live happily ever after… Well, not exactly. After finishing the novella, I was surprised by the ending. Initially, I expected a happy ending with Maggie succeeding, and Jimmie becoming someone who can be viewed as a positive person. Reading a novella about people climbing their way to success would be perfect for our class. However, as the events progressed, it became clear that the characters have pivotal flaws that may result in their downfall (and no “happy ending”). In real life things are not as perfect as they are in fairytales. Unfortunately, most of the times people’s race, age, social status, heritage, personality and many other factors limit their ability to achieve something greater, and look at life with the lines: “This feels like a fairy tale”. Maggie: A Girl of the Street is a tragedy, which follows a certain pattern that is common in many fairy tales, but takes a more realistic turn in telling the tale of a heroine whose encounter with a prince results in suffering, and demise. Although, pessimistic in nature, the novella brings realism to people, and reveals honesty, and truth that lay beneath.