The townhouse at 20 East 28th Street is also known as the birthplace of Theodore Roosevelt, our 26th president. Here, visitors are able to participate in a tour of the upper rooms remodeled after what the young Teddy Roosevelt would have experienced. Although the original townhouse was torn down for commercial use, Theodore Roosevelt’s sisters worked to recreated it after his death.

“The museum exhibit and tour opened my eyes to Theodore Roosevelt Jr. early days. Generally when we learn about significant people in history, we learn about their achievements and failures as an adult but we rarely talk about their childhoods and how those achievements came to be. The tour focused on each of the rooms in the Roosevelt house and highlighted the family relationship. Theodore Jr. (nicknamed Teedee) was the first boy with two older sisters and a younger brother. We weren’t able to see the upper-level rooms which were most likely’s the children’s room, but we did see the nursery where his father built a small patio for Theodore to use as a gym.”

-Alison Lin