One of thing that stood out most to me was the profound lack of women in the film. On the Internet Movie Database (, the cast list very few women and fewer still with names and lines. Perhaps this is the fault of modern Hollywood, perhaps the writers felt that looking at the female experience was beyond their scope, maybe they ran out of time to include the women. Regardless, there was a distinct absence of women in the entire film with the exception of Jenny, played by Cameron Diaz.

I wonder when someone will make a film about the female historical perspective and whether anyone could gather enough information to actually get an idea about the real life of women. The mothers and thieves and washerwomen and whores all have stories to tell about New York City and I hope that these tales will one day be told as intensely and earnestly as the lives of the men in this film have been explored. I am certain there were rich, complicated lives led by women and I hope fervently that Hollywood will give female characters the opportunity share perspectives as yet unseen.