COVID-19 Resources for the Macaulay Community

Things to Do Now

All members of the community:

Here what you should be doing as a student:


  • Make sure you have access to your address. This account connects you to resources from google that you might not otherwise have access to
  • Make sure that you have a reliable way to contact your co-students in your classes, your TLC fellow, and your instructors
  • Make sure that you know how to access any systems you are currently using (eportfolios, emails, blackboard, etc).
  • Sign up for CUNYAlert
  • Alert your teacher and TLC fellow if you will have limited or no internet access at home


Here what you should be doing as a faculty member:


  • Collect Contact Information—Names / Emails (Macaulay emails especially) / Phone numbers / status of internet access—from all students
  • Make sure all files/books that you need can be accessed from home
  • Run a test class in Google Meet (see below for more Google Meet information)
  • Create a schedule for the week to be used if face-to-face classes are not available—deadlines, contact hours, weekly emails
  • Create an itinerary for online class sessions—Allow time for joining the meeting, decide if you will have small group breakout meetings (if so, designate student leaders ahead of time) (TLCs can help with practice/instructions for setting up group breakouts).
  • Create procedures for online behavior during class—how do you want people to participate (vocally interrupt, “raise hand” in chat, call on students at random)—Make all this clear to students before it is needed
  • Anticipate that not everyone is going to be able to join a virtual meeting—have a plan for this—Can discussions be moved to an asynchronous format? Can you record lectures?
  • Decide how students will submit work—forms on eportfolios? Email? Snail mail?