On Monday, I was asked by Macaulay Vlog creator, David Kane, to vlog once again as a substitute for Beth Weinstein. After rambling to myself for ten minutes or so, I realized that less is more and re-recorded the story of how I ended up at Macaulay.
In retrospect, I wouldn’t use an easygoing reggae song… I mean, I like Althea & Donna, but it made the video seem more lethargic. And I have to work on showing my forehead more.
PS – the Eportfolio contest ends in 19 hours! If you haven’t voted already, today is your last chance to do so! ( http://eportfolios.macaulay.cuny.edu/showcase/peoples-choice-2011/ )
Not a bad video, congrats on eportfolio contest.
One piece of advice, NORMALIZE THE AUDIO! When you spliced in the other videos, the differences in volume hurt.
Thanks Mike! And sorry about that, I’ll take note of it next time.