Clarissa [Sometimes] Explains It All

A day in the life of the queen of Queens.

Clarissa [Sometimes] Explains It All

Vlogging in the Rain

April 13th, 2011 · No Comments · Personal, School, Vlogs

I really should check the weather report more often, because the beautiful weather on Monday turned into a wet Tuesday. Of course, I was not prepared (am I ever?) with a cotton polka-dotted jacket that did not have a hood. At least I had my floral doc martens (as seen here. ) Well, I’m only complaining because I had to travel from school to the Macaulay Building….but in the end I had a ton of fun! I met up with David Kane from City College and vlogged with him guerrilla style (for the Macaulay Vlog) about the upcoming spring break, since Tuesday is his assigned day.

Bonus picture:

Daniel Pecoraro and I awkwardly pose like thugs.

Thanks for reading!

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