Clarissa [Sometimes] Explains It All

A day in the life of the queen of Queens.

Clarissa [Sometimes] Explains It All

Exportfolio Expo Results

June 7th, 2011 · No Comments · Uncategorized

I apologize for the extremely late nature of this post, but I was stressed out with finals, and didn’t have time to post this until now. Thank God it’s summertime! I am not taking any summer courses, so that means I have more time to blog 🙂 .

Well, the video pretty much explains it all, but I won the People’s Choice Award for this year’s Eportfolio Expo, and thus I am the proud owner of a lovely iPad 2.
Thanks for liking and supporting my website! Constructive criticisms, comments, and suggestions are always welcome.


PS – If you don’t want the kids to run around, let them play with an iPad. Totally works.



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