scraps, adventures, and inspirations

Tag Architecture

+FARM 2012

Spent a week (August 16th to August 22nd) in Gowanda and Perrysburg, NY renovating a 150 year-old farm house and designing a site installation. Had loads of fun with my studio-mates, my professor’s family, and the sheep on the farm. … Continue Reading →

Wang Shu 王澍 – 2012 First Chinese Pritzker Prize Winner

The ceremony took place at Tiananmen Square on May 25th 2012. Check out the details in this New York Times Article and the Pritzker Prize Website.  

+FARM 2011 and Beyond

Check out the +FARM Project from last year! Hopefully I will get to participate this August! (Click the KS at the bottom of the video to see last year’s fundraising page)

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