Immigrants come to America for many reasons and most of these reasons include the search of a better life. The Cambodian and Chinese immigrants in the videos were escaping the restrictions and turmoil of their native lands. Now, this is a very valid reason and most people would, arguably, agree that they should have left. But, when it comes down to where they go, it becomes a national issue. People understand that these immigrants had no choice but to leave; however, when these immigrants arrive at their country illegally, they become cautious.

There are clear boundaries set for those who arrive to America illegally. If they overstep those boundaries, there are also clear consequences. In “Sentenced Home” we encounter troubled people that grew up in an unfortunate environment. We cannot blame people like Kim Ho Ma for wanting to join a gang for a sense of belonging. However, their decisions to do wrong were under their control and it is just to deport them because they were clearly presented with the consequences. However, it would seem unfair to the victims because their homeland was a very unfamiliar environment and they just did not know what to do or how to handle the situation. It would seem just and fair to anyone that is not involved in their problem, but if anyone were to step into the immigrants’ shoes, it would not be fair to any of them.

Illegal immigration is a very troubling issue due to much controversy with the law, ethics, and morality. It is very hard to easily decide whether the immigrants should stay or be deported. They will face even worse retribution in their homeland! However, illegal immigration is still illegal. These people simply do not belong there and, for the safety of the nation (especially after the 9/11 attacks), the Americans did not want to take the chance of allowing potential threats into the country.

The people in the Golden Venture sought a better life as they suffered many grueling days at sea to get to America. Their hopes and dreams were shattered as the INS caught them at the shore when they arrived. Some people got on the ship to escape the one-child policy in China and it seems perfectly reasonable to escape that kind of restraint. However, as I said before, the law demands that they leave, but how do we expect them to leave when they have so much to lose as well?