Sentenced Home

Sentenced Home is a documentary about the plight of three Cambodian Americans who were granted refuge in the United States during the 1980’s. Growing up in Seattle, the three of them made rash decisions that led them into trouble. The US government perceived these actions as a danger to the country and began using these petty actions as an excuse to deport Cambodian Americans. Loeun Lun, a victim of this act, was sent back for firing a gun in self-defense. Not only was he jailed for his actions, but also as soon as he was released his marching orders had arrived. As if suffering in prison was not enough, he now has to bear separation from his wife and kids. I don’t understand how the United States can be cruel and impassionate sometimes. The US doesn’t realize the impact deportation will have on the lives of the people. Kim Ho Ma is a perfect example of this idea. After being deported, Kim has had a hard time adjusting to life in Cambodia. After having spent majority of his life in the United States, it was difficult for him and his family to relocate to a country in which he does not understand the society’s ideals. That is the reason why he vents out his frustration against the United States for first accepting him and then throwing him away like trash.

Perhaps, Many Uch’s scenario is the worst of them all. Many Uch has a wife and kid but he does not when he will be deported or whether he will be deported at all. So he must live his whole life precariously hoping for the best and praying that he does not get separated from his family. The United States might justify this as a mean of protecting the nation but in reality they are destroying people’s livelihoods.

Golden Venture

Golden Venture was a ship carrying illegal Chinese Immigrants from the province of Fujian to the coast of Queens. Ah Kay, a dangerous Chinese criminal, and his partner Sister Ping, were in charge of this operation. Both these snakeheads charged exorbitant fees for the illegal passage to America while also keeping people on the ship in unhygienic conditions. Their plan was foiled as there was a struggle on the ship between the leaders and in the meantime the ship ran aground. With freedom in sight, some immigrants jumped off the boat and into the cold icy waters of the Atlantic Ocean. Unfortunately 10 of them died because of the freezing waters while the Immigration and Naturalization Services (INF) took the remaining people on the ship into custody.

About half the people were deported back to China in two years while others chose to fight their cases in prison. I personally believe the US made a huge mistake in sending the illegal immigrants back to China knowing fully well that the Chinese government would crack the whip on these defenseless people. Yan Li, one of the deported, was subject to much abuse on his return to China. He was beaten, fined and forced into sterilization. By keeping the remaining immigrants in prison, the INS separated them from their respective families for about 4 years until President Bill Clinton released all the remaining Chinese immigrants.

Even after being released, the US government is still deporting these Chinese immigrants due to security reasons. I am not able to fathom this fact because these people now have families, a livelihood and a taste of freedom for which they yearned. Instead of deporting illegal immigrants, the government should do a better job protecting the borders in the future. I am not saying that all the people seeking asylum should be allowed in the US but that those who are already here deserve a piece of the American dream.