Even though I’ve lived in New York City all my life, I can’t get over feeling that I’m still a tourist in Manhattan. Every time I go to Times Square, there’s always something new to see and it never gets old. NYC is the epitome of opportunities and is one of the most targeted tourist attractions. For this reason, it is obvious that people from all corners of the globe would flock to the great city as soon as they got the opportunity. However, the demographical information that Joe Salvo presented to us was something I took for granted before. It was refreshing to learn the exact population number in the city and the five boroughs as well as how many people immigrate. It was actually surprising to learn that more people move to NYC from within the country than from other countries. I also didn’t expect a majority of immigrants to be educated with degrees and end up more successful than natives. These demographics made me realize how different NY really is from other states in the U.S. We call ourselves Americans but our state is so diverse and culturally different from other states that I don’t know if we really are true Americans. Nevertheless, I am proud to be a New Yorker and wouldn’t have it any other way.