Having lived in numerous places around the world, I really appreciate Mr. Salvo’s talk about the immigration population of New York City. Everyone knows the phrase that New York City is a big melting pot, but that’s only a phrase. During Mr. Salvo’s talk I finally began to realize how vast the melting pot really was and that really lets me admire and appreciate the opportunity I have to be living in New York because I come in contact with so many different types of people from all over the world and get to experience so many new things.

One interesting point that Mr. Salvo talks about is that people come here because this is the land of opportunity. And living in a diverse place such as New York calls for different type of people to be living next to each other. Mr. Salvo talks about you can have two ethnic communities who might dislike each other due to world conflicts but live next to each other for the sake of their children and their education. This just shows how much larger New York City is than just a simple melting pot.